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How to Update 3D Printer Firmware on the Pro2 Series

This guide will provide simple steps on how to upgrade the firmware on the Pro2 3D printer. We recommend first downloading the latest version of the RaiseTouch software. To begin save the Raise Touch Firmware file inside the root directory of the USB drive which came included with your Pro2 3D printer at the time to purchase this.


Power off the 3D Printer

1. With the printer off, go ahead and insert the USB drive onto one of the available ports on the side of the touchscreen.


Power on the 3D Printer

2. When the 3D printer is on, the RaiseTouch Firmware will be updated automatically. Note: allow this process to complete before removing the drive.



3. Once the update has been completed, the screen will display the home page automatically.



4. Next, click the “Settings” icon on the top right-hand side of the screen tab. On this step, you will need to confirm that the firmware has been updated properly. Following, check on a few easy steps on how to upgrade the motion controller board firmware of the Pro2 3D printer.




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For more information about Raise3D printers and services, browse our website, or schedule a demo with one of our 3D printing experts.